Octave Forge is a high-level programming language that was built to suffice the need of executing numerical computations and develop mechanics and bioinformatics programs more efficiently in a suitable environment for math enthusiasts.
It comes wrapped in a decent interface that is very responsive and very easy to navigate through its menus. Also, it has a few customizations options, such as setting the size of icons or choosing the colors of the toolbar, but it doesn't have any other themes than the default one. Another con is the random crashes when clicking the "x" for exiting the program.
Octave Forge supports linear and non-linear equations, polynomial manipulation and other regular algebra functions. Still, maybe its key feature is the compatibility with Matlab scripts.
Other embedded features are a powerful library for designing numerical systems and support for extensive graphics, which is comprised of data visualization and manipulation. Last but not least, Octave Forge offers users a command line for applications that are being developed inside it.
In conclusion, Octave Forge has numerous useful features, such as powerful mathematics-oriented syntax with built-in plotting and visualization tools, which together make developers work much faster.